Introducing Cyprus’ First Superhero

Introducing Cyprus’ First Superhero

So here it goes, brace yourselves, readers - prepare to laugh, or maybe even cry. We asked ChatGPT to imagine the first ever Cypriot superhero, and it gave us… Mr. Mediocre! I am not kidding.

It’s worth noting, ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, a research organization. It is trained on a large dataset of text, which enables it to generate human-like responses to a wide range of prompts. It can be used for various natural language processing tasks such as language translation, question answering, and text generation. It also wrote this description on its own, because why not.

ChatGPT announced:

Meet Mr. Mediocre, the Cypriot superhero with powers so mediocre, you'll wonder why we even bother.

“Meet Mr. Mediocre, the Cypriot superhero with powers so mediocre, you'll wonder why we even bother.

This "super" hero possesses the power of... drumroll please... being average. That's right, you heard it here first. Our dear Mr. Mediocre can do everything that an average person can do, just slightly better and slightly faster. He can run a little faster, jump a little higher and lift a little more weight than the average Joe, but let's not get too excited here. He's no Spiderman or Superman, and he's certainly no Batman. He can't fly, he can't shoot webs out of his hands, and he can't turn invisible. But he can run slightly faster than the average person, jump slightly higher and lift slightly more weight. So, there's that.

But wait, there's more! Mr. Mediocre also has the power of procrastination. He can put off any task for hours, days, or even weeks. He's the master of the "I'll do it later" mentality. And let's not forget about his power of complaining. He can complain about anything and everything with great enthusiasm, but never actually do anything about it.

But fear not, dear citizens of Cyprus, for Mr. Mediocre is here to save the day... just not in the way you expected. So next time danger threatens, remember: Mr. Mediocre has got this...kind of”.

I suspect at least 30 of my relatives and 5 of my friends of being Mr. Mediocre. 

It doesn’t end here though! The AI goes on to list Mr. Mediocre’s evil enemies:

  1. The Procrastinator: A villain who is able to put off any task for even longer than Mr. Mediocre, making it difficult for him to defeat.
  2. The Complainer: A villain who is able to complain about anything and everything with even greater enthusiasm than Mr. Mediocre, making it difficult for him to get things done.
  3. The Just-Slightly-Better-Than-You: A villain who is always one step ahead, always slightly better than Mr. Mediocre in everything he does, making it a constant challenge for him to defeat.
  4. The Average Joe: A villain who is just like Mr. Mediocre but with a desire to cause harm, making it difficult for him to distinguish himself from the villain.

Not all is lost by the way, apparently ChatGPT has identified a number of other Cypriot superheroes who fight next to Mr. Mediocre! Here’s the whole Cypriot Avengers squad: Aphrodite's Fury, Souvlaki Savior, Bazaar Hero, Olive Guardian, and their leader, the Mediterranean Marvel. 

I know, I feel the same.
