Empowering Women in Tech: A Cypriot Perspective

Empowering Women in Tech: A Cypriot Perspective

Breaking the 20% with Gala Grigoreva and Tanya Romanyukha


Two women are carving a unique path in the tech landscape of Cyprus. Gala and Tanya, local leaders of the Women in Tech Network in Cyprus, are reshaping the narrative of women in technology. Recognized with the Forbes Women in Tech Award, their stories are not just about personal achievements but also about fostering a more inclusive and diverse tech environment on the island.

Gala and Tanya's journey into the tech industry is both inspiring and instructive. Their decision to relocate to Cyprus marks a significant step in their careers, driven by the region's burgeoning tech scene. This move wasn't just a change in location; it was a leap into a new realm of possibilities and challenges.

Their accomplishments are highlighted by the prestigious Forbes Women in Tech Award. This recognition is more than an accolade; it's a testament to their impact on increasing women's visibility in the tech industry. Gala and Tanya see these awards as a platform to inspire more women to break barriers and make their mark in the tech world.

The inception of Women in Tech Cyprus is a pivotal chapter in their story. The organization, under their leadership, has grown exponentially, now boasting nearly 350 members. This growth is not just in numbers but in the influence and reach within the tech community. The strategies employed by Gala and Tanya have been instrumental in this success, highlighting the importance of community, networking, and support among women in tech.

Their vision for Women in Tech Cyprus extends beyond mere membership growth. Gala and Tanya are committed to creating an environment where diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords but tangible realities. Their connection to an international non-profit organization plays a significant role in this, enabling them to bring global perspectives and resources to the local community.

For those inspired by their journey and achievements, Gala and Tanya extend an open invitation to join Women in Tech Cyprus. This thriving community is a beacon for anyone committed to enriching the technology sector with greater diversity, inclusion, and empowerment.

Their story is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, leadership, and women's empowerment. Tune in to the latest episode of Breaking the 20%, and discover how Gala and Tanya are not just navigating their paths in the tech industry but also paving the way for others to follow.
