Cypriot Innovators Unveil E-mbracelet - Enhancing Life with Autism

Cypriot Innovators Unveil E-mbracelet - Enhancing Life with Autism

Future Talks with Maro Manoli, a shining example from Junior Achievement Cyprus

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents a myriad of challenges for individuals and families affected by it. Data indicates that the prevalence of ASD in the United States is approximately 1 in 36 children, highlighting a significant increase over the years​. This rising prevalence underscores the urgent need for effective support and intervention strategies. 

Amid these challenges, Maro Manoli's story emerges as a beacon of innovation and hope. During an interview at Future Talks, Maro discussed how her cousin's diagnosis with ASD inspired her and her team to create E-mbracelet, an app designed to prevent crises in individuals with ASD by analyzing sounds. This innovative tool represents the intersection of technology and compassion, aiming to enhance the lives of those with ASD and their families.

E-mbracelet’s journey began as a university project, where the team faced the challenge of developing a product that could address real-life problems. Through discussions with Maro’s aunt and observations of her cousin's sensitivity to sound, Maro identified a significant gap in available products for individuals with ASD. The team's dedication led to the creation of a bracelet that, when connected to an app, can analyze sounds and heart rates to identify emotions triggered by certain noises.

Their university project transformed into a promising technological solution involving several pivotal moments. After developing their idea, Maro and her team entered the Junior Achievement (JA) Cyprus competition, advancing to the top 10 and eventually winning, which allowed them to represent Cyprus in an international competition in Turkey. Despite not winning there, the experience was invaluable, providing them with new insights and connections.

Maro's leadership and the team's collective efforts earned her the Young Women Leaders Award from Ernst & Young, a testament to the team's collaboration and direction. The project's evolution continued as they joined an accelerator at the CyEC accelerator of the University of Cyprus, shifting their focus towards software development under the guidance of their mentor, Evagoras Xydas. A pitching workshop within the accelerator particularly stood out, refining their ability to showcase the product's value effectively.

Currently, the E-mbracelet team is refining their model and preparing for a broader application launch, with a focus on software, having made their pivot during the CyEC Accelerator. The team's diverse professional backgrounds, from governance and management to tech and data analysis, contribute to their comprehensive approach to developing and perfecting their product.

Looking ahead, Maro envisions expanding E-mbracelet's capabilities to support individuals with epilepsy or Alzheimer's, demonstrating a broader commitment to leveraging technology for social good. Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs emphasizes the wealth of opportunities, resources, and mentorship available in Cyprus’ startup ecosystem, particularly through organizations like JA Cyprus.

Maro Manoli's story and the development of E-mbracelet illustrate the profound impact that innovative thinking and compassionate action can have on addressing the challenges faced by individuals with ASD and their families. It serves as an inspiring example of how technology can be harnessed to create meaningful change in the lives of those in need.

Watch the full interview here for Maro Manoli’s inspiring story.
